If you want to switch to USU do not rely on myths or insufficient information. Get the most important answers from the source!
- Is USU different from Windows or Mac OS?
- Can I use my Windows program Х with USU?
- Is USU really free?
- Is a USU system safe from viruses?
- Can I work with my existing files?
- Can USU to coexist with other operating system??
- Is it stable?
- What about network operations with other systems?
- Is there enough software?
- Will my hardware work?
- Do I need a new powerful computer to run USU??
- Is it easy to install USU?
- USU is on a LiveDVD?
Is USU different from Windows or Mac OS?
Yes…and no. There are huge internal differences between every two operating systems. But they are hidden from the user. From the users point of view, doing your daily tasks is based on the same logic. For example, you can do all the familiar actions you know with files and folders – moving, copying, deleting etc. Or lets talk about the user interface, which is based on the same elements like windows, buttons, toolbars, taskbars etc. To get comfortable with USU you just have to unlearn a few old habits and to learn some new tricks.
Can I use my Windows program Х with USU?
Many free programs are cross-platform. If this is not the case with your program, there are two ways to use it with USU. The first way is to find a program with similar functionality. USU already comes with dozens of quality applications and there are even more ready to install with just a few clicks. The second way is to install your Windows program in USU. That is possible because USU comes with an integrated support for native Windows applications. In this case the final result may vary because not all applications are fully supported.
Yes. USU is completely free (as in speech) operating system strictly following the principles of the free software and the Ubuntu’s code of conduct. We are not pursuing commercial success and do not get influenced from the wishes of any shareholders. The only thing we want is to promote the use of free software as a small step towards a better and humane world.
Is a USU system safe from viruses?
Yes. The legendary unsusceptibility of Linux to any kind of viruses and malicious software is absolutely valid for USU. Over 96% of viruses are specially designed and targeted to Windows. USU does not even need an antivirus software! It has built-in security mechanisms on a system level.
Can I work with my existing personal files?
Yes. With USU you can work with all your personal files (documents, music and videos) created with other operating systems.
Can USU coexist with other operating systems?
Yes. USU can be installed along with existing one or more operating systems.
More than just a stable. It is not coincidence that often a Linux system is the backbone of many IT infrastructures all over the world. There is no sudden restart or cryptic looking blue screens. In fact, a Linux system can be operational for years without a single break.
What about network operations with other systems?
USU will join any existing wired and wireless network. You can share content with any computer on the network.
Yes, even more that you probably expect. Thanks to a special application called a “Program Manager” you can easily choose from and install literally tens of thousands different applications. And the Package Manager guarantees that every single application will work with your current version of USU.
USU has very good built-in support of a broad class of devices (video cards, monitors, multimedia keyboards, mouses, printers, cameras and many others). If there is no built-in driver available for your device, a special program called “Hardware Drivers” will detect and automatically install the best driver.
Do I need a new powerful computer to run USU?
No. It is safe to say that virtually every computer built in the last 5-6 years (or even before that) will be capable to run USU without a problem.
Yes. The whole installation procedure takes 7 to 8 steps. You are guided through them from installation wizard in your native language. Just do not rush and read carefully the on-screen information and the installation will be completed without a single problem.
USU is on a LiveDVD. What is this?
A LiveDVD is a specially created DVD media from which you can boot the computer and load the operating system without need to install it first. This technology is unique for Linux and you can’t find it in Windows or Mac OS. It has many advantages: You can try out the new operating system safely; You can experiment with it without fear of system breakage. One may say that you will have unbreakable system, always working as new one, which you carry out in your pocket. And if the DVD is too large for your pocket, take that – with the help of a built-in application “LiveUSB Install”, USU can be transferred to a Live USB Flash memory!